Rocket CRO Lab

Conversion Rate Optimization and email marketing

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Rocket CRO Lab is a seasoned Digital Marketing agency with over five years of experience, having successfully completed more than 90 projects worldwide. We specialize in Conversion Rate Optimization and email marketing (marketing automation) tailored for eCommerce businesses. Our expertise lies in driving revenue growth and building a more loyal customer base for our clients. We achieve this by meticulously analyzing your business to pinpoint and rectify the 'money-leaking' areas on your website.

$50 - $99/hr
10 - 49
Kostolna Street,, Kyiv, kyiv 15a
+38 068 603 87 65

Focus Areas

Service Focus

  • Digital Marketing

Client Focus

  • Small Business
  • Medium Business

Industry Focus

  • E-commerce
  • Financial & Payments
  • Gambling

Rocket CRO Lab Executive Interview

Arthur Sipachov
Arthur Sipachov
Visit Profile
Please introduce your company and give a brief about your role within the company?
RocketCROLab began its existence relatively recently almost two years ago. The name of the company is built on the basis of its original specifics of work, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). Initially, I and my partner Serhiy took this direction like the only service that we were focused on because saw great potential for our future customers. But in the process of work, current and new customers also contacted us with requests for performance marketing.
As a result, we opened several directions, and gradually, as requests and our experience and capabilities arrived, we expanded the list of services and the team. So, in addition to CRO, our key competencies are working with paid tools (Google and Targeting ads), outbound marketing, web analytics, digital strategy, and consulting.
In addition to the management and operational tasks of the agency, my roles are communicating with clients, CRO projects, as well as participation in the development of strategies and consulting.
Mention the objectives or the parameters critical in determining the Digital Marketing Strategy for a client.
Question about the goals we set almost in the first place to the client, because this is what forms the further strategy. At the stage of preparing a proposal, it is important to understand what the client wants to get, brand awareness, sales, subscriptions, or lead generation. Another important question is how he plans to measure this result. It is also important to understand the “age” of the product and its target audience, as this gives an understanding of which tools to use during the startup phase. Of course, such metrics as LTV, CAC, max CPL are important.
Not all clients have this information; in such cases, we can help them to form this basic brief.
How does your company differentiate itself from the competition?
  1. We position ourselves as a performance agency focused on results. Therefore we are very attentive to the data and try to set everything up. So from the start, the data is correctly collected, and we constantly work with it, interpreting it, drawing conclusions, and, most importantly, making changes!
  2. Competitors analysis, feedback from our customers, and previous personal experience showed that good advertising specialists could work on your project in agencies. But, in some cases, a strategist needs help with good execution. Sometimes intermediaries in the form of the account managers can interfere with communications. We call ourselves “boutique agency” as we are small, we don’t have account managers and communicate directly with the client.  Therefore, we consider the following important:
  • Our experience, which many of us received working both on the client-side and the agency.
  • No account managers and direct communication with a specialist who is maximally involved in the project.
  • And also, fast and constant communication with the client - 9 out of 10 of our clients choose us because of good communication skills.
What industries do you generally cater to? Are your customers repetitive? If yes, what ratio of clients has been repetitive to you?
Mostly these are e-commerce projects, but on the whole, we do not have a specific target. We have succeeded both in B2B and B2C segments. We also have good experience working as a contractor for UX companies, for example. Our knowledge in web analytics gives us the opportunity to get a lot of useful insights for them and their customers, which they use in the implementation process. Clients who come to us in 70-80% of cases stay with us for a period of more than a year.
Please share some of the services that you offer for which clients approach you the most for?
Our main service is Conversion Rate Optimization. In general, it is suitable for many businesses that have traffic on the site, ideally, that have 1000+ conversions per-site per-month. And, also for customers who have already used almost everything they could from digital tools. Any increase in conversion due to increased traffic is already very expensive, while CRO can help in growth without increasing marketing costs. And the conversion growth can be starting from 10% after the first changes or AB tests, so we make the client’s traffic more efficient.
The next important service is Digital Marketing and the most popular services of Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, etc. Many customers come to us with this request as the work of their previous agency does not suit them (mainly because they do not understand what the guys from the agency do, i.e., poor communication).
OutBound or email marketing is also a very cool service, which many customers underestimate, thinking that this is only a promotional mailing once a month or a week. While this tool can be configured in such a way that it automatically leads the client from the moment when he signed up for the news or passed the registration and until the time of purchase, continuous communication with the client within the framework of this tool can give an increase in conversion from 10 to 50%.  More information and services we put in our credentials. Services that I mentioned above can be stand-alone, but if companies took the maximum effort to launch and work with these directions, this synergy could have a really good effect on their business.
What do you find to be some of the most key factors for running a successful agency in the field of Digital Marketing?
Generally speaking, this is a sincere interest and involvement in the client’s project.
Work on sales and client success direction; this is the ability to respond to requests from potential customers quickly. Apart from that, it is important to conduct correct and timely communication with the client, be honest, and give more to the client than you originally agreed. Also, deliver more quality services that give benefits to the customer. Thus, you will stay in constant contact with him, and the risk of losing him will be less.
It is important not to forget that many top tools are now striving for maximum automation. Google, for example, states that in the near future, the services of the agency for setting up advertising (though it’s not clear exactly which one yet) may no longer be needed. The system itself will determine all the necessary and important settings for the campaigns. In the agency, they see more the role of a strategist and a creative performer.
What are the key factors that you consider before deciding the cost of a project?
This is mainly calculated from the number of hours that it is supposed to spend on a project per month. In some cases, this may be a fixed-price; in some, it depends on the amount of work that the client sends us within a month.
What kind of payment structure do you follow to bill your clients?
Basically, this is a 100% prepayment for our work at the beginning of the work/month. Some works may be paid in a certain proportion, depending on their volume and the cost itself.
What is the price range (min and max) of the projects that you catered to in 2018?
On average, depending on the project itself, the number of services that we provide, as well as complexity, the range is from 2000 to 5000 $ per month.
Name a couple of activities that you think provide the best ROI in terms of benefit/impact when it comes to different areas of Digital Marketing.
The result depends on many factors such as niche, product, competitors, website, creatives, communication with the target audience, etc.
Currently, targeted ads and CRO show better results. But you also need to consider the number of touchpoints with the user. If once 3-4 touches were considered the norm, now even 7-10 are less. Therefore, often email marketing and remarketing can have a big impact on overall conversion.

Rocket CRO Lab Clients & Portfolios

Key Clients

  • Tourist Israel
  • Lofbergs
  • Casadilumo
  • Westgarth Wines
  • ShopLC
  • Novakid

58.5% booking rate growth for an online school of English language | Conversion rate optimization
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58.5% booking rate growth for an online school of English language | Conversion rate optimization
  • 58.5% booking rate growth for an online school of English language | Conversion rate optimization screenshot 1
$10001 to $50000
50 weeks

Client Overview:

An online English language school catering to children aged 4 to 12 approached our eCommerce CRO agency to enhance their site's conversion rate. The school specializes in immersive English learning from the very first lesson, bypassing the use of the student's native language.

Project Goals:

  • Increase Conversion Rate: Boost the number of leads signing up for the first free lesson.

  • Optimize Future Promotions: Gather effective conversion elements to inform the development of upcoming promotional pages.

Challenges Faced:

Despite engaging teaching methods and a unique educational approach, the school struggled to convert site visitors into registrants for their free trial lesson, indicating potential usability and messaging issues on the website.

Solutions Implemented:

  • Comprehensive CRO audit (UX Audit): Conducted a deep dive into the school’s sales funnel to identify drop-off points and barriers to conversion.

  • A/B Testing: Initiated a series of 25 A/B tests, both successful and less successful, to experiment with different page elements that could potentially increase the booking rate.

  • Hypothesis Validation: Validated 57 hypotheses related to user engagement and conversion, adjusting strategies based on data-driven insights.

  • Polls and Feedback Mechanisms: Implemented tools to collect direct feedback from users, providing insights into customer preferences and expectations.

  • Cross-Departmental Coordination: Strategically scheduled tests to distribute workload across marketing team departments, ensuring smooth implementation and minimal disruption.


  • Booking Rate Increase: Achieved a 58.5% increase in the booking rate for the first free lesson.

  • Comprehensive Improvement Report: Produced over 100 pages of insights, observations, and recommendations, culminating in a robust To-Do plan with clearly defined steps for future improvements.

  • Conversion Rate Variance: Observed a wide range of outcomes from the A/B tests, with the best result showing a +163% improvement and the worst a -42% drop, averaging a +25% improvement across all tests.

  • Enhanced Understanding of Client Needs: The polls and user feedback significantly improved our understanding of client desires, tailoring future marketing efforts more effectively.

54.3% increase in conversion rate for a CBD eCommerce store | Conversion rate optimization
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54.3% increase in conversion rate for a CBD eCommerce store | Conversion rate optimization
  • 54.3% increase in conversion rate for a CBD eCommerce store | Conversion rate optimization screenshot 1
  • 54.3% increase in conversion rate for a CBD eCommerce store | Conversion rate optimization screenshot 2
$10001 to $50000
35 weeks

Client Overview:

Our client operates a leading beauty eCommerce store based in the US, specializing in CBD natural products with a global customer base. Despite ongoing marketing efforts, the store experienced a consistent decline in conversion rates, prompting a strategic overhaul.

Project Goals:

The primary objective for our eCommerce CRO agency was to conduct a comprehensive UX audit to uncover "money-leaking" areas on the website and develop actionable recommendations and hypotheses for remediation, with a focus on enhancing conversion rates.

Challenges Faced:

The client faced significant conversion drop-offs, particularly at the checkout stage, which was identified as a critical barrier to completing purchases.

Solutions Implemented:

  • Detailed UX Audit (CRO Audit): Conducted an exhaustive analysis of the website to pinpoint critical issues affecting user experience and conversion.

  • Sales Funnel Analysis: Investigated the entire sales funnel to identify stages with the highest user drop-off, focusing particularly on the checkout process.

  • User Behavior Analysis: Utilized Hotjar to record user sessions and create heatmaps, which revealed difficulties users faced with the payment method options available.

Strategic Interventions:

  • Data-Backed Insights: Compiled over 100 pages of insights, observations, and data-backed recommendations.

  • Hypothesis Development: Created a list of hypotheses based on audit findings to guide the optimization strategy.

  • Clear Action Plan: Developed a detailed To-Do plan to systematically address identified issues and enhance the checkout experience.


The targeted interventions led to dramatic improvements:

  • Conversion Rate Improvement: Post-implementation of recommended changes, the store saw a 54% growth in conversion rate, significantly boosting revenue and customer satisfaction.

125% increase in transactions for a manufacturer of make-up mirrors | Conversion rate optimization
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125% increase in transactions for a manufacturer of make-up mirrors | Conversion rate optimization
  • 125% increase in transactions for a manufacturer of make-up mirrors | Conversion rate optimization screenshot 1
  • 125% increase in transactions for a manufacturer of make-up mirrors | Conversion rate optimization screenshot 2
$10001 to $50000
40 weeks

Hollywood Mirrors is the UK's leading company specializing in the sale of high-quality makeup mirrors, distinguished by their premium quality, five-year warranty, fast delivery, and unique designs. With a monthly traffic of over 50,000 visitors, they approached our ecommerce CRO agency to enhance their site's conversion rates.

Challenges Faced:

Despite their high traffic, the conversion rate was not meeting expectations. The initial task was to conduct a comprehensive CRO audit, identify areas where revenue was being lost, and implement strategies to rectify these issues effectively.

Solutions Implemented:

  • UX Audit of Key User Path Pages: Examined the critical pages along the user journey to understand user interactions and pain points.

  • Analytics Enhancement: Upgraded Google Analytics settings, including the addition of several tracking events to gain deeper insights into user behavior.

  • Usability Analysis Tool Upgrade: Transitioned from Lucky Orange to Hotjar for usability analysis to leverage more advanced functionalities.

  • Advertising Campaigns Audit: Reviewed past advertising efforts and analyzed the target audience and outcomes to align future strategies with observed behaviors.

  • Comprehensive CRO Audit: Conducted a thorough CRO audit, compiling a detailed list of observations and actionable recommendations.

  • Sales Funnel Analysis: Identified and analyzed "money-leaking" areas within the sales funnel, particularly on the product page, and targeted these areas for immediate improvements.

  • A/B Testing Implementation: Launched several A/B tests to experiment with solutions aimed at enhancing the usability of the product page.


The interventions led to a significant improvement in performance:

  • Conversion Rate Improvement: After implementing the first set of A/B tests, the site's conversion rate doubled, effectively doubling the sales from existing traffic.

€455K revenue | Klaviyo email marketing campaigns
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€455K revenue | Klaviyo email marketing campaigns
  • €455K revenue | Klaviyo email marketing campaigns screenshot 1
  • €455K revenue | Klaviyo email marketing campaigns screenshot 2
  • €455K revenue | Klaviyo email marketing campaigns screenshot 3
$0 to $10000
24 weeks

Client Overview: Our client is a distinguished European eCommerce store specializing in luxury leather accessories. They offer premium leather cases tailored for Apple products, with an average order value (AOV) of 716 and monthly revenues around 100K.

Challenges Faced: Despite their high-quality offerings, the client faced challenges in reaching and engaging their target audience effectively, which limited their revenue potential in a competitive luxury market.

Solutions Implemented

  • Klaviyo Audience Segmentation and Validation: We developed precise customer segments based on purchasing behavior and preferences, enhancing the relevance of each communication.

  • GA4 Setup: Configured to track detailed customer interactions, enabling deeper insights into customer behavior and campaign effectiveness.

  • Flows Visualization: Created strategic maps of customer journeys to guide the design and timing of email sequences, ensuring optimal engagement.

  • Email Template Design and Layout: Designed sophisticated, brand-aligned email templates that elevated the customer experience and reflected the luxury of the products.

  • Sequence Launch and Optimization: Implemented and continually refined email sequences using Klaviyo, optimizing for maximum engagement and conversion.


After nine months of targeted improvements and strategic overhauls in their email marketing approach, the client experienced significant revenue growth:

  • Revenue Growth: Generated an additional +455k from Klaviyo email campaigns.

$2 mln revenue | Klaviyo email marketing and automation campaigns
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$2 mln revenue | Klaviyo email marketing and automation campaigns
  • $2 mln revenue | Klaviyo email marketing and automation campaigns screenshot 1
  • $2 mln revenue | Klaviyo email marketing and automation campaigns screenshot 2
  • $2 mln revenue | Klaviyo email marketing and automation campaigns screenshot 3
  • $2 mln revenue | Klaviyo email marketing and automation campaigns screenshot 4
$10001 to $50000
40 weeks

Client Overview:

Our client operates a vibrant eCommerce store in the US, catering to enthusiasts of camping, active sports, and outdoor activities. Their product range includes items for kayaking, biking, and a variety of patio furniture, designed to enhance the outdoor lifestyle experience.

Challenges Faced:

The client aimed to maximize their reach and effectiveness in a highly competitive market. Prior to our collaboration, they faced challenges in effectively segmenting their audience and optimizing their email marketing efforts.

Solutions Implemented:

  • Klaviyo Audience Segmentation and Validation: We refined the client's audience segmentation to target specific interests and behaviors, ensuring more personalized and relevant communications.

  • Domain and IP Warm-up: To improve deliverability and sender reputation, we systematically warmed up their domain and IP, crucial for high-volume email campaigns.

  • Flows Visualization: Developed comprehensive customer journey maps to guide the design and timing of email sequences, ensuring each communication was timely and engaging.

  • Email Template Design and Layout: Crafted visually appealing and responsive email templates that resonated with the outdoor lifestyle and encouraged higher engagement rates.

  • Sequence Launch and Optimization: Utilized Klaviyo to launch and continually optimize email sequences, fine-tuning messages based on customer interaction data and feedback.


Over a nine-month period, these strategic enhancements significantly boosted the client’s revenue:

  • Revenue Growth: Achieved an impressive +$2 million from Klaviyo email campaigns.

Further Impact:

Our data shows that effectively optimized email marketing can account for 20%-40% of total eCommerce revenue. If your email strategies are converting at less than 5%-15%, there is considerable room for improvement. Our focus is to optimize this vital channel to significantly enhance your financial outcomes.

$89K for CBD Naturals store | Klaviyo email marketing
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$89K for CBD Naturals store | Klaviyo email marketing
  • $89K for CBD Naturals store | Klaviyo email marketing screenshot 1
  • $89K for CBD Naturals store | Klaviyo email marketing screenshot 2
$0 to $10000
24 weeks

Our client operates a premier eCommerce store in the US that specializes in CBD natural products. They aim to deliver top-quality CBD items to a diverse client base, ensuring excellence through every transaction. 

They utilize Shopify as their eCommerce platform and Klaviyo for email marketing efforts. They approached us to enhance their email marketing and automation processes to better reach their diverse customer base.

Challenges Faced:

Previously, the client struggled with ineffective customer segmentation and underutilized data analytics. This led to less impactful marketing campaigns and untapped revenue potential in their engagement efforts.

Solutions Implemented:

  • Klaviyo Audience Segmentation and Validation: We developed targeted customer segments to enhance communication relevance and effectiveness.

  • GA4 Setup: Configured to capture detailed interactions, providing deeper insights into customer behaviors and preferences.

  • Flows Visualization: Created strategic customer journey maps that guide the design and deployment of email sequences, ensuring a cohesive user experience.

  • Email Template Design and Layout: Designed responsive, visually appealing email templates that align with the brand’s values and resonate with the target audience.

  • Sequence Launch and Optimization: Employed Klaviyo to launch and continually refine email sequences, improving open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.


Within two months of implementing these strategies, significant gains were realized:

  • Revenue Growth: There was an increase of +$89K in revenue generated from Klaviyo email campaigns and sequences.

Further Impact:

Our data shows that effectively optimized email marketing can account for 20%-40% of total eCommerce revenue. If your email strategies are converting at less than 5%-15%, there is considerable room for improvement. Our focus is to optimize this vital channel to significantly enhance your financial outcomes.

Medlife digital
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Medlife digital
  • Medlife digital screenshot 1
  • Medlife digital screenshot 2
$10001 to $50000
48 weeks
Healthcare & Medical


  • Doctor Appointments Booking service
  • B2C/B2B
  • GEO: UA


  • Get a share of relevant traffic and bookings;
  • Starting the project “from scratch”.
  • Hit on the first page in organic search according to the agreed list of keywords within 9 months.

What was done:

  • Call tracking system has been set up to track attraction channels;
  • Set analytics and events in Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager;
  • A set of SEO technical and writing texts has been done.
  • Copywriting - writing and posting articles;
  • Advertising tools:
  • Display Advertising targeted for awareness and remarketing - GDN, Admixer, Kadam, Teasernet, Redtream, Marketgid;
  • Paid Ads in high competitors market, our main target was to define relevant keywords for a reasonable price - Google Ads, Yandex Direct;
  • Targeting Ads  - Facebook, Instagram


  • Growth from 0 to 3000 leads in 5 months.
  • For the first 8 months of work, the necessary SEO tasks were completed, which gave a significant increase in organic traffic. Also, it helped to optimize quality index for Google Ads.
Conversion rate optimization audit for Zarely eCommerce store
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Conversion rate optimization audit for Zarely eCommerce store
  • Conversion rate optimization audit for Zarely eCommerce store screenshot 1
$0 to $10000
4 weeks


  • Professional ballet tights and active wear
  • B2C/B2B
  • GEO: USA, UK, Australia


  • Website and marketing channels improvements; 
  • CRO audit and research.

What was done:

  • Google Analytics and Google Tag manager audit and setup;
  • Marketing channels audit;
  • UX, Heuristic analysis;
  • Heatmap&scrollmap analysis;
  • Hypothesis and Recommendations for increasing conversion rate;
  • Action Plan. digital promotion
View Portfolio digital promotion
  • digital promotion screenshot 1
  • digital promotion screenshot 2
$10001 to $50000
48 weeks


  • International Lottery aggregator;
  • Geo: Uk, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland.


  • Increase the number of traffic from target countries;
  • Define optimal Customer Journey for an increasing number of new sign up and deposits;
  • Define and set up new channels to retain users;
  • E-commerce setup;
  • CRO research.

What was done:

  • Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager reports, goals and events setup;
  • Enhanced E-commerce setup;
  • Analytics and UX audit and recommendation report;
  • Promo Landing Page development;
  • Outbound Marketing - built and visualized email sequences, templates;
  • Prepared Technical Task for implementation;
  • Building a Customer Journey map version how a user will interact with lottery24 brand and website;
  • Paid Campaigns launching - Teaser networks, push notifications.
View Portfolio
  • Barometer screenshot 1
$0 to $10000
4 weeks
Advertising & Marketing

- landing page design and creation


- PPC advertising

Rocket CRO Lab Reviews

5.0 3 Reviews
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  • Digital Marketing
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  • Rating: low to high
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Sayed Yahya

CRO Services

Rating Breakdown

  • Quality
  • Schedule & Timing
  • Communication
  • Overall Rating

Review Summary

Have had very good experience with them specially consistent communication, constructive feedback, responsiveness and professional approach. I am sure we will have more projects for them.

What service was provided as part of the project?

Digital Marketing

Богдан Пономаренко

Marketing strategy and execution

Rating Breakdown

  • Quality
  • Schedule & Timing
  • Communication
  • Overall Rating

Review Summary

I have been working with Rocket CRO lab for the past year. From marketing strategy development to its execution, they were able to deliver in fashionable timelines. Great results!!

What service was provided as part of the project?

Digital Marketing

Sergii Khrulov

Digital marketing campaign launch and management

Rating Breakdown

  • Quality
  • Schedule & Timing
  • Communication
  • Overall Rating

Review Summary

Very responsive and professional team focused on achieving business results.

Overall we got great results in marketing activities, very flexible and effective ad campaign management. I recommend it to any business looking to increase performance.

What service was provided as part of the project?

Digital Marketing