Why Humanizing Technology is the Future of Innovation?

Updated on :July 02, 2024
By :Lisa Brian

In the evolving technological arena, the human element remains indispensable. The goal and concept of “human element” in the loop is to ensure that technology must augment and not replace human capabilities. Though AI is remarkably empowering individuals and organizations to achieve greater efficiency and innovation, the role of empathy in the development and implementation of new technologies cannot be ignored. Understanding and addressing human needs and emotions is critical in software development to create solutions that truly enhance lives. Moreover, ethical considerations must prevail at every step of technological advancement to ensure that the innovative outcomes align with societal values and promote a sustainable future for all. Humanizing technology is thus the future of innovation and a precursor for long-term sustainability.

GoodFirms Roundtable is a series of podcast interview discussions where leading industry experts, CEOs, and people holding prominent positions in IT services and software companies share their valuable experiences and opinions on various topics. The podcast discussion becomes a rich source of information for budding entrepreneurs willing to start their businesses.

GoodFirms recently had a chance to interview Anil Rana, AVP, Seasia Infotech. In the following podcast discussion, Anil shares his knowledge and views about how humanizing technology can help achieve greater innovation and growth in the modern tech-driven world.

Seasia Infotech is a US-based software development company that specializes in broad-array software development, mobile app development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and managed IT services. The company has been delivering best-in-class custom software development and consulting services and solutions for businesses across the globe for over two decades, spanning across broad industrial sectors, including banking, insurance, software, healthcare, real estate, travel & hospitality, communication & media, consumer goods & services, and more. Leveraging its expertise and experience, Seasia Infotech has become a one-stop destination for end-to-end software product development, enabling businesses to reshape their digital presence for enhanced performance, steady growth, and assured success.

The Podcast Discussion Highlights the Following:

  • Changes in the tech industry that Seasia Infotech has witnessed over the last 11 years, and how the company managed to cope with these.
  • Understanding “The Human Side of Technology” and its importance in today’s world where AI and various technologies are grabbing the center stage.
  • What role does empathy play in the development and implementation of new technologies, especially considering their potential impacts on society?
  • How personal experiences and backgrounds shape the way individuals approach innovation and problem-solving in the tech field, with examples.
  • Some values and principles that guide the decision-making process for managing businesses; and how do these align with Seasia Infotech’s personal beliefs and experiences?

The Podcast Also Covers These Crucial Points:

  • How Anil, as a leader, helps cultivate a culture of inclusivity and belonging within the organization, and steps they take to ensure that diverse perspectives are represented in the innovation process.
  • What are the most critical challenges one must address while dealing with the ever-evolving relationship between humanity and technology? How can individuals and organizations contribute to shaping a more human-centric approach to innovation?
  • Some useful advice for aspiring entrepreneurs or technologists who are passionate about driving positive change through technology, but apprehensive about facing the highly competitive and fast-paced industry.
  • How Seasia Infotech has developed in an ever-changing market for 11 years. How building a strong profile on GoodFirms helped the company thrive in a competitive landscape?

You Have Been Leading Seasia Infotech for About 11 Years Now. What Changes Have You Witnessed in the Tech Industry and How Did You Cope With Them?

Anil highlights that the tech landscape has changed dramatically over the past decade, and it was challenging for Seasia Infotech to rise through these changes. However, technological innovations, including artificial intelligence and machine learning played a significant role in reshaping the company’s software development approaches, enabling them to tackle the client challenges better. Further, user experience and design thinking have now become the top priorities in software development, and businesses understand that the product should not just work, it must resonate with the users and genuinely solve their problems.

Anil believes that to adapt to these changes, software development companies must focus more on learning and innovation. Thus, Seasia Infotech ramped up their team's skills with cutting-edge training from centers of excellence like MoogleLabs for AI, ML & blockchain, and BugRaptors for quality assurance for specific operations and dedicated research divisions. Moreover, the company's customer-first mindset helps them better understand the clients’ needs and overcome the challenges.

It has been a journey of constant evolution

Can You Please Elaborate Specifically on the Topic of Our Podcast, “The Human Side of Technology”, and Why It Is Important to Discuss in Today’s World Where AI and Various Technologies Are Grabbing the Center Stage?

As AI and other cutting-edge technologies are transforming the world, it is utmost important to focus on the "The Human Side of Technology''. While these technologies are redefining business, society, and personal life, one must remember that technology is for people, created by people. Thus, the human-centric aspect of tech includes ethical and societal norms in leveraging these technologies in our day-to-day lives. The ultimate goal is that the tools must amplify human potential and enrich lives, and businesses must make sure that tech does not ignore or negatively impact the human aspect in any manner.

Anil believes in making technology more approachable to humans, focusing on the needs of people, and creating the best possible user experience; in short, building tech that's not just smart, but also kind and considerate. For example, at Seasia Infotech, they make sure that tech speaks to everyone, irrespective of their background or abilities. Further, in AI development, the company ensures keeping the human element in the loop.

In summary, with a human element behind everything, Seasia Infotech makes sure that the human side is not just a consideration; it is a driving force in various forms, including the developer's code, user's experience, or the collective impact on society.

our mission is to make sure

What Role Do You See Empathy Playing in the Development and Implementation of New Technologies, Especially Considering Their Potential Impacts on Society?

Empathy plays a crucial role in the development and implementation of new technologies, especially considering their profound impacts on society. It helps ensure that the product improves human experiences and solves real-world problems. Moreover, empathy in tech development enforces consideration of the broader societal impacts of innovations like the potential to widen the digital divide or to displace workers, encouraging developers to find solutions to mitigate those effects.

Besides, empathy in development also includes consideration towards users’ data privacy and other concerns. Thus, it is crucial to embed empathy into our development processes to understand the real-world implications of technology and ensure its positive impact on society.

empathy ensures

How Do You Believe Personal Experiences and Backgrounds Shape the Way Individuals Approach Innovation and Problem-Solving in the Tech Field? If Yes, Please Explain With the Help of an Example.

Leveraging the unique mix of personal experiences and backgrounds acts as a game-changer in tech innovation, sparking creativity and leading to out-of-the-box solutions. For example, Seasia Infotech was working on a project for developing a healthcare app, meant to be easy for everyone to use, including seniors and other less-tech-savvy users. One of the company’s team members had past experience in social work, dealing with elderly and understanding the struggles that seniors face with new tech. The development team leveraged this experience to create highly intuitive app navigation, incorporating voice commands. The resulting app design was not just elder-friendly, but overall more accessible, proving that individual experiences can greatly improve the tech solutions, enhancing innovation to truly inclusive outcomes.

the unique mix of personal background and experiences

What Values or Principles Guide Your Decision-Making Process When Managing Businesses, and How Do These Align With Your Personal Beliefs and Experiences?

Anil elaborates that Seasia Infotech’s core values that guide the decision-making process include their commitment to always prioritize the customers' needs, ensuring utmost quality. Anil believes that a strong passion for constant growth and learning laid the foundation for the company’s superior quality services.

Apart from business achievements, Anil strongly emphasizes on leveraging their platform to contribute to positive societal and environmental change, enabling Seasia to embrace ethical practices, actively engage with the community, and operate sustainably.

we strive to ensure

As a Leader in the Tech Industry, How Do You Cultivate a Culture of Inclusivity and Belonging Within Your Organization, and What Steps Have You Taken to Ensure That Diverse Perspectives Are Represented in the Innovation Process?

Anil deeply values the importance of cultivating a culture of diversity and inclusivity in the organization. The company takes various steps to ensure this, including widening their talent pool and implementing policies and practices that promote equality and respect for the employees, such as flexible work arrangements, anti-discrimination policies, and a zero-tolerance approach to harassment.

In short, Seasia Infotech aims to create a workspace where people feel safe, respected, and motivated to contribute their best. Further, the company encourages its staff to refine their skills and upgrade themselves for better opportunities. Moreover, Anil highlights that their community engagement and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives focusing on education, technology access, and empowering underrepresented groups, create a remarkable impact on the wider community beyond their organization.

aim is to create a workspace

As We Continue to Navigate the Ever-Evolving Relationship Between Humanity and Technology, What Do You Believe Are the Most Pressing Challenges We Need to Address, and How Can Individuals and Organizations Contribute to Shaping a More Human-Centric Approach to Innovation?

Anil describes the biggest challenges that demand immediate attention to keep things ethical, balanced, and human-focused in the journey with tech. Anil believes that as AI is impacting all areas of our daily lives, ethical use of AI and data privacy are becoming a serious concern. Companies must focus on adopting ethical AI principles and rules to ensure that AI use is fair, transparent, and does not hamper the privacy of our personal/confidential data. Further, organizations can adopt green technologies and sustainable practices like building more energy-smart data centers, embracing the circular economy for our gadgets, cutting down on e-waste, and much more.

Another major challenge, according to Anil, is bridging the skills gap. Companies need to constantly upskill their teams and make them future-ready, while individuals must be open to learning new skills to avoid lagging behind in the tech evolution. However, organizations and individuals, including tech leaders, policymakers, educators, and anyone who uses technology, must work together to ensure that the innovations are beneficial for the society at large.

It takes a collective push

What Advice Would You Give to Aspiring Entrepreneurs or Technologists Who Are Passionate About Driving Positive Change Through Technology, but May Be Apprehensive About Entering an Industry Known for Its Competitiveness and Fast-Paced Nature?

Anil believes that passion acts as a fuel to drive innovation in the tech industry, setting one apart in the competitive market. Moreover, the best way to create success is to start small, learn and adapt to the technological advancements, and gradually scale the solutions in alignment with one’s broader mission. Further, one must embrace challenges and setbacks as stepping stones for growth. Additionally, following a user-centric approach can help ensure that our innovations genuinely fulfill and address the needs and challenges of the users.

Anil emphasizes that focusing on ethical and sustainability considerations helps make better decisions, resulting in innovations that contribute positively to the society and environment. Besides, the collective effort of a community driven by a shared vision for change can help create wonders and achieve the impossible.

for those aspiring to make a difference

Surviving in an Ever-Changing Market for 11 Years Is Difficult but Seasia Infotech Has Made It Through and Still Stands Strong. Can You Shed Light on How Building a Strong Profile on GoodFirms Has Helped You Thrive in a Competitive Landscape?

Anil reveals that the GoodFirms platform has been a game-changer for Seasia Infotech, enabling them to establish a significant place in the tech landscape by enhancing reach and building credibility and trust with the clients in the competitive global market. GoodFirms has helped the company highlight its expertise, successful projects, and genuine testimonials, and gain valuable insights and connections to attract potential clients worldwide.

GoodFirms has put us on the map

You can listen to this podcast here.

What’s Next

The future of innovation invariably lies in embracing the human side of technology, prioritizing ethical considerations and sustainability. Integrating technological advancements with a focus on human needs and societal values, can help create more useful, meaningful, and responsible innovations for a better world. Businesses must thus hire the top custom software development companies with versatile experience in building innovative, high-quality software applications that incorporate and enhance the human side of technology, enabling businesses to improve overall outcomes, beat the competition, ensure sustainability, and grow to the next level.

You can share your knowledge or experience on our platform on any topic related to IT services. Just drop an email to [email protected].

Lisa Brian
Lisa Brian

Lisa Brian is presently working as Team Lead for Content with GoodFirms, a Washington DC-based B2B review, listing, and ranking company. Lisa has a strong background and passion in writing about emerging trends in the software industry and cutting-edge technologies. With expertise in researching, gathering information, and crafting engaging content, Lisa helps companies digitally communicate their vision and mission.

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